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Mensaje por The_King_Jaas Mar Mar 29, 2011 10:52 pm

Este poderoso antilag funciona para el xas, pero versiones anteriores a la 3.9, ya que apartir de la 3.9 el xas no nesecita antilag porque ya lo trae.

# ** AntiLag script
# f0tz!baerchen
# 0.71
# 06.01.2007
# Edited by Mr_Wiggles - Removed SDK and moved settings to the top.
# Credits:
# Chaosg1 (for testing Wink )
# NearFantastica (for the Event AntiLag I used and improved)
# Features:
# - Event AntiLag: Event (and their Sprites) which are not on the screen are
# not updated except they run on "Autostart" or "Parallel Process" or they
# have an empty comment in the first line
# - High Priority: Game can be run on high priority
# - Smooth Antilag: the Event AntiLag does only work fine if the events are
# distributed over the whole map, but when there are many events at the same
# place it lags again. If the script notices that the CPU utilization
# gets higher than $antilag.max_cpu_utilization it will slow down the game and
# reduce the framerate as long as needed.
# Settings:
module Anti_Lag
MAX_CPU_UTIL = 99 # the maximum CPU utilization, the script
# DEFAULT = 70 # try to stay under this value during changing
# changing the frame rate. The lower this
# value the higher the lag reduction will be
# (and the smoothness, too), a value > 100
# will disable this feature completely.
CPU_TOLERANCE = 20 # this value tells the script how many % of
# DEFAULT = 20 # the CPU utilization change should be ignored
# If you change it too a higher value you,
# your Frame Rate will be more constant but
# smaller lags will be ignored.
HIGH_PRIORITY = true # set this to true if you want the game to run
# DEFAULT = true # on high priority
EVENT = true # set this to true to enable anti-lag
# DEFAULT = true
# Class for Antilag Settings
class Antilag_Settings

attr_accessor :event
attr_accessor :max_cpu_utilization
attr_accessor :cpu_tolerance

# initializes default settings
def initialize
@event = true
@high_priority = true
@max_cpu_utilization = 100
@cpu_tolerance = 20
@SetPriorityClass = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'SetPriorityClass',
['p', 'i'], 'i')
@GetProcessTimes = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetProcessTimes',
['i','p','p','p','p'], 'i')

# turns high priority on/off
def high_priority=(value)
@high_priority = value

if @high_priority
@SetPriorityClass.call(-1, 0x00000080) # High Priority
@SetPriorityClass.call(-1, 0x00000020) # Normal Priority

# returns the current CPU Utilization
def get_cpu_utilization

# uses API Call to get the Kernel and User Time
creation_time = '0' * 10
exit_time = '0' * 10
kernel_time = '0' * 10
user_time = '0' * 10
@GetProcessTimes.call(-1, creation_time, exit_time, kernel_time, user_time)

# converts times into integer (in 100ns)
kernel_time = kernel_time.unpack('l2')
user_time = user_time.unpack('l2')
kernel_time = kernel_time[0] + kernel_time[1]
user_time = user_time[0] + user_time[1]

# takes differences to calculate cpu utilization
if @old_time != nil
timer_difference = Time.new - @old_timer
time_difference = kernel_time + user_time - @old_time
result = time_difference / timer_difference / 100000
result = $antilag.max_cpu_utilization

# saves values (to calculate the differences, s.a.)
@old_timer = Time.new
@old_time = kernel_time + user_time

return result



$antilag = Antilag_Settings.new

# Scene_Map class
class Scene_Map

# update method, smooth antilag has been added
alias f0tzis_anti_lag_scene_map_update update
def update


if Graphics.frame_count % 20 == 0 and $antilag.max_cpu_utilization <= 100

# calculates difference between max utilization and current utilization
abs = $antilag.max_cpu_utilization - $antilag.get_cpu_utilization

# changes Frame Rate if difference is bigger than the tolerance
if abs.abs >= $antilag.max_cpu_utilization * $antilag.cpu_tolerance/100.0
Graphics.frame_rate = [[10, Graphics.frame_rate + abs / 2].max, 40].min




# Game_Event Class
class Game_Event

# for AntiLag, decides, if an event is on the screen or not.
def in_range?

# returns true if $event_antilag is false or the event is an
# Autostart/Parallel Process event or it has an empty
# comment in the first line
if not $antilag.event or (@trigger == 3 or @trigger == 4 or
(@list != nil and @list[0].code == 108 and @list[0].parameters == ['']))
return true

screne_x = $game_map.display_x
screne_x -= 256
screne_y = $game_map.display_y
screne_y -= 256
screne_width = $game_map.display_x
screne_width += 2816
screne_height = $game_map.display_y
screne_height += 2176

return false if @real_x <= screne_x
return false if @real_x >= screne_width
return false if @real_y <= screne_y
return false if @real_y >= screne_height
return true


# update method
alias f0tzis_anti_lag_game_event_update update
def update
return if not self.in_range?


# Sprite_Character Class
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite

# update method, parameters added for Loop_Map, rebuild for 8dirs
alias f0tzis_anti_lag_sprite_char_update update
def update
return if @character.is_a?(Game_Event) and not @character.in_range?


# Settings - OLD

$antilag.max_cpu_utilization = Anti_Lag::MAX_CPU_UTIL
$antilag.cpu_tolerance = Anti_Lag::CPU_TOLERANCE
$antilag.high_priority = Anti_Lag::HIGH_PRIORITY
$antilag.event = Anti_Lag::EVENT

# Interpreter Class
class Interpreter

# * script
def command_355
# Set first line to script
script = @list[@index].parameters[0] + "\n"
# Loop
loop do
# If next event command is second line of script or after
if @list[@index+1].code == 655
# Add second line or after to script
script += @list[@index+1].parameters[0] + "\n"
# If event command is not second line or after
# Abort loop
# Advance index
@index += 1
# Evaluation
result = eval(script)
# If return value is false
# NEW: the last word of the code mustnt be false!
if result == false and script[script.length-6..script.length-2] != 'false'
# End
return false
# Continue
return true

Mensajes : 1737
Fecha de inscripción : 02/02/2011

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